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How to Season Clay pot | Best beginners Guide for Clay pot seasoning

We understand that you are really excited to try out new dishes in this new claypot that you’ve bought and so badly want to use it right away. But guess what ? your efforts would be in complete vain if you haven’t seasoned your claypot .

We will take you through the step by step process of how to season claypot for cooking. Other best part about seasoning claypot is that it helps in enduring the heat in a better way and also lasts longer.

Step 1 : Go to Step 11 😉

Step 2: Wash the claypot thoroughly twice.

Step3 : Make sure to soak the claypot overnight for a minimum of 8-9 hours.

Step 4: Next morning take out the soaked claypot and keep it in the sun until it’s completely dried.

Step 5 : Once it’s dried ,rub oil around the entire pot and let it soak in the sunshine again.

Step6 : After some time you would figure out that the claypot has dried completely and now again fill the pot  with water and some rice and leave it to soak  overnight.

Step7: The next day, boil the claypot with the overnight soaked rice. The rice water should be boiled  until bubbles start popping.

Step 8 : Turn off the flame, Allow the claypot to completely cool down and now the rice water is ready to be thrown away.

Step 9 : Wash the claypot using a dish wash scrubber but make sure to not use any washing liquids. After some time again heat the pot in low flame with some oil and saute some sliced onions along with it.

Step 10: Yay ,you have now successfully seasoned the claypot and are ready to cook some aromatic and  mouth watering dishes for your family. Happy Cooking.

Step 11: Firstly assuming that you are a claypot enthusiast just like us we would like to introduce to you our claypots and now you may resume to read the steps for seasoning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) 

  1. What are glazed vs unglazed clay pots for cooking? 

If you want the entire benefits of claypots we would suggest you  buy an unglazed claypot. Because they are entirely made of clay and no artificial substances are added unlike glazed ones .

  1. How long should I soak a clay pot before cooking? 

The claypot needs to be soaked for 8-9 hours overnight. 

  1.  What are the Uses of Claypot? 

Claypots are alkaline in nature which helps balance the PH level. They also help in keeping the food moist and aromatic.

  1. Where to buy Claypots?

We would like you to check out our specially curated red and black  claypots

Thank you for sticking on till the end. Just like this blog our products are done in step by step art form carefully curated by our lovely artisans in order to deliver the Tasty and healthy traditional cookware for our customers.

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